
Our members champion our work on issues in the public interest by raising citizen awareness, advancing public policies, holding government accountable and fostering civic leadership.

Our member’s join us in advocating to improve the quality of life for all of Louisiana’s citizens.

Our members’ contributions help us sustain CABL and a better future as we move Louisiana forward.

We would be grateful if you signed up to be a member as would all the other members who stand with us. Memberships start at $100.

Become a member or renew your membership today.


Membership Levels


Retirees & Students                         ($100)
Individuals & Non-Profits              ($200)
Professionals                                        ($300)

All members receive our weekly CABL ire newsletter, Louisiana Report Card on Major Education Indicators and invitations to our Annual Meeting & Luncheon.



Small Business Member
(0-25 Employees)                                ($500)
(26-50 Employees)                             ($1,000)

In addition to Member benefits, Patrons receive the Insider’s View, a monthly issues update, invitations to VIP events and special rates to CABL events.



Corporate Member                           ($2,500)
(51-300 Employees)
Large Corporate Member             ($5,000)
(Over 300 Employees)

In addition to Member and Patrons benefits Benefactors are invited to Benefactors’ Breakfast, to shape future public policy to move Louisiana forward.

